Leg Up
Leg Up
By Susan Archer. Leg Up is the fourth book in a series that began with Stake Night and continued with Show Time and Victory Pass. I recommend that you read those books first to become familiar with the horse and human characters, many of whom reappear as they continue their quests to win the most coveted prize in the Saddlebred show horse industry, a World's Championship. Leg Up takes place five years after the end of Victory Pass, in which our villain, Johnnie Stuart, has self-destructed at the World Championships when he is disqualified during the workout of the Five-Gaited Stake. His behavior earns him a life-time ban from the industry, and Missy Phillips goes on to win the World Championship for the second year in a row on Toreador, a horse bred and originally trained by Johnnie. In this book, we find out who fills the void left by Johnnie and whether a new generation of Saddlebreds emerges from the promise of the stallions and mares highlighted in earlier stories. Soft Cover. 269 Pages.